Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shoe Issues

Packing up my closet getting ready to move and came across the dress I wore at law school graduation and remember a shoe disaster that day... I seem to always be having shoe issues... Maybe it's me?? I have had some serious shoe mishaps...


5. Heel on my most favorite strappy pumps with the crystal encrusted heels breaking at JN's SMU volleyball game--don't ask why I was wearing such fancy shoes to VB... I'm still not sure... Let's just say I adored those shoes...

4. Getting my pumps stuck in the grate outside the front doors of the DCO Courthouse in front of security at 8:30 on a Monday... Tripped out of shoe and had to bend down and yank out of metal grate a la wedding planner... Very cool moment for me.. The security guys all laughed and teased me for weeks.

3. Showing up to my externship in CACU in TCO  wearing 2 different black pumps... I thought my back was all screwed up b/c I was limping when I left my house that morning.. Nope just 2 different height heels... Oh and it was raining crazy bad that day so forever more there was one dramatically more weathered shoe from each pair...

2. Heel breaking off in court last week... And having to still do a plea (on another attorney's client!) in front of the Judge, DA's, court staff, bailiffs, EVERYONE and hobble around the rest of the day "air walking" with literally only one heel... Loved the strange looks I received!! (see above pic)

1. Law School Graduation... I am sure the 5 bottles of champagne in the mimosas I brought in 44oz Styrofoam cups had nothing to do with my issues ... On my way from the garage (with giant paper bag with my ladies drinks in my arms) to the pit my (luckily) leather wrapped heel broke in two... I am sure it was totally the shoes fault that I stumbled down the flight of stairs after getting my diploma from Prof T... Thankfully I fell/stumbled straight into the waiting arms of KB at the turn of the stairs... Otherwise who knows where I would have ended up... So glad she was there... It could have been embarrassing!!

So is it me??

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Blog

So... guess I'm popping the proverbial blog cherry... I just never have really thought that I had anything to say that people would want to read, and feared the whole exposing myself to the www... that scary place that anyone could access you... but I have decided to bite the bullet... join the new millennium... So... with that I am starting my very own blog... not sure yet exactly what I will write about... no kids to fill my day... no big travels or adventures planned... yet! I, however, am planning on the 2010's being the best decade yet, so there shall be many adventures to fill this blog... so for today we will start with where I am in my life right now... I am about to turn 31 in a little over a month and am putting my career on hold, taking a leave of absence from the law firm I built with my partner, and moving home with my mother to help her with my grandmother who is in her last months in this life... ahh... the ups and downs of life! Who could have ever guessed I would ever voluntarily be moving back in with mom!!